Friday, 10 January 2014

'Tis The Season to Be Jolly...

So here we are again.

Another year gone by. The award season, has once more stepped threw our threshold. It is high time to start re-viewing some of this year's, or past year's more like it, films.

Many worthy contenders this year, although they do look rather dreary thematologically. 

During the past year, I have delved more into the TV SERIES entity, so had very limited time to approach films. I find myself rather picky these days, and only accept to watch films that are "worth my while".

But, really, how can you know what is worth your while, if you don't give a chance. 

Hence, I will keep a rather open mind for this award season too. 

I have seen very few of the oscar nominated (well not officially nominated yet) films for this year.

Since, the Golden Globes are fast approaching - due to broadcast on Jan 12, 2014, I had better start getting down to business.

Mind you, I have watched A LOT of other notable films this year, who sadly for one reason or another have not made it into the Academy's elite-list.

Oh well. C' est la vie.

Moving on. Next order of business: GRAVITY. 

Coming soon folks...


  1. Πιάννω σε που την μούττη, I know, αλλά όποτε θωρώ τζείνο το Gravity στα υποψήφια για όσκαρ, παθαίνω κάτι!
    Πέραν της υπέροχης φωτογραφίας, είδα το σε 3D, τι είshεν τούτο το έργο; Τ-ί-π-ο-τ-ε! Ο Clooney "παίζει" το διαφήμιση τζιαι η φιλενάδα η Sandra, που πολύ την συμπαθώ γενικά, μοστράρει το well built σωματάκι της. Ούτε αγωνία - εν να φτάσει, εν θα φτάσει - δεν με έπεισαν, είshεν να φτάσει, έξερα το που την αρκή, ούτε διαλόγους (εξαφανίστηκεν ο clooney στα πρώτα... πόσα λεπτά;).

    Καιτούλα Blancett και Blue Jasmine δαγκωτό!!!
